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Awesome Explorationer

  • mexican-cactus

    Mexico City & The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon

    I’d only been back home from Russia and Europe for a few weeks and was just getting over that post-trip depression when my phone started ringing. It was Tiny, a lad I’d served overseas…

  • indian-kitchen-west-end-7

    The Indian Kitchen – West End

    Nestled between a vintage clothing store and a tobacco merchant is a rather delightful establishment known as The Indian Kitchen, or just The Kitchen to locals. This is the Indian restaurant that the other…

  • east timor

    Remote Signals Outpost – East Timor

    Jake and I were sitting around playing with a baby eagle that someone had rescued. It was becoming more tame each day and would sit upon its perch all day and then go into…

  • rm williams boots

    The RM Williams Rigger Boots

    The wind howled and ice blasted against my face. I was in need of shelter and a dark corner to spend a few moments while I planned my next move. I opened a steel…

  • paddington antique centre 24

    Paddington Antique Centre

    By pure chance one Saturday morning I was fortunate enough to stumble upon quite a jewel. It had been less fortunate circumstances that had brought me to Paddington in the first place however. The…

  • havana

    Three Days in Havana, Cuba

    After a blurry night in Cancun Tiny and I jumped aboard a small plane bound for Havana. It was easily one of the smallest passenger planes I had ever flown on. Although we were…

  • izmailovsky market

    Izmailovsky Market – Moscow, Russia

    The Dutchman and I were building a snowman on a frozen lake near our apartment and drinking a cheap bottle of vodka when we got talking about a market he had recently heard about.…

  • aircraft graveyard

    Soviet Aircraft Graveyard – Moscow, Russia

    My neighbour in the dorms was a tall Dutchman who spoke Russian well, he claimed to be a geologist with a Masters degree from the University of Amsterdam. Why he was in Moscow I…

  • catacombs paris

    The Catacombs – Paris, France

    We sat in a tiny bar on Rue Rambutea in Paris and spoke of past times and memories over bottles of ale, a lager of some sort that I had never drank before. I…